1950 Chicago White Sox Roster Al Kozar #2, Mike McCormick #2, Johnny Ostrowski #2, Marv Rickert #3, Luke Appling #4, Han Majeski #5, Gus Zernial #6, Ray Scarborough #7, Floyd Baker #8, Dave Philley #9, Mickey Haefner #12, Ed McGhee #14, Jack Burner #15, Joe Kirrene #15, Bill Salkeld #15, Gordon Goldsberry #16, Chico Carrasquel #17, Randy Gumpert #18, Billy Pierce #19, Herb Adams #24, Gus Niarhos #24, Gordon Goldberry #25, Chuck Kress #25, Nellie Fox #26, Charlie Cuellar #28, Eddie Malone #28, Bill Wight #29, Ken Holcombe #34 and #58, Bill Wilson #34, Bill Colonel #35, Gus Keriazakos #35 Jerry Scala #36 and #39, Phil Masi #38, Joe Erautt #45, Bob Kuzava #46,Jim Busby #47, Howie Judson #48, Jack Bruner #49, Marv Rotblatt #49, Bob Cain #56, JohnPerkovich #57, Luis Aloma #59;
1951 Chicago White Sox Roster Al Zarilla #2, Jim Rusby #3, Bob Boyd #5, Bert Haas #5, Don Lenhardt #6, Bud Stewart #7, Floyd Baker #8, Minnie Minoso #9, Dave Philley #9, Harry Dorish #12, Joe DeMaestri #14, Paul Lehner #15, Bob Mahoney #16, Red Wilson #16, Chico Carrasquel #17, Randy Gumpert #18, Billy Pierce #19, Lou Kretlow #23, Gus Niarhos #24, Bob Dillinger #25, Gordon Goldberry #25, Nellie Fox #26, Hal Brown #27, Ross Grimsley #27, Sammy Hairston #27, Joe Dobson #29, Ken Holcombe #34,Saul Rogovin #35, Phil Masi #38, Ray Coleman #39, Dick Littlefield #39, Bud Sheely #45, Joe Erautt #45, Eddie Robinson #46, Howie Judson #48, Rocky Nelson #49, Marv Rotblatt #49, Bob Cain #56, Luis Aloma #59;
1952 Chicago White Sox Roster Al Zarilla #2, Jim Rusby #3, Sammy Esposito #3, Leo Thomas #3, George Wilson #5, Tom Wright #5, Rocky Krsnich #6, Bud Stewart #7, Sam Dente #8, Minnie Minoso #9, Harry Dorish #12, Sam Mele #14, Bud Sheely #15, Marv Grissom #16, Chico Carrasquel #17, Chuck Stobbs #18, Billy Pierce #19, Lou Kretlow #23, Hal Hudson #24, Nellie Fox #26, Hal Brown #27, Joe Dobson #29, Ken Holcombe #34, Ken Landenberger #34, Saul Rogovin #35, Hector Rodriguez #37, Phil Masi #38, Hank Edwards #38, Ray Coleman #39, Sherm Lollar #45, Eddie Robinson #46, Howie Judson #48, Willy Miranda #49, Don Nicolas #56, Luis Aloma #59;
1953 Chicago White Sox Roster Nellie Fox #2, Vern Stephens #3, Connie Ryan #3, Sam Male #5, Rocky Krsnich #6, Jim Rivera #7, Ferris Fain #8, Minnie Minoso #9, Sherm Lollar #10, Luis Aloma #11, Harry Dorish #12, Saul Rogovin #14, Bob Keegan #15, Mike Fornieless #16, Chico Carrasquel #17, Allie Clark #18, Billy Pierce #19, Sandy Consuegra #20 and #30, Sam Dente #20, Lou Kretlow #23, Virgil Trucks #23, Connie Johnson #24, Fred Marsh #25, Red Wilson #26, Tommy Byrne #27, Bob Elliot #27, Joe Dobson #29, Bud Sheely #30, Tom Wright #32, Connie Berry #34, Hal Hudson #34, Earl Harrist #35, Saul Rogovin #35, Gene Bearden #36, Bill Wilson #38, Connie Johnson #45;
1954 Chicago White Sox Roster George Kell #1, Nellie Fox #2, Grady Hatton #3, Johnny Groth #5, Cass Michaels #6, Jim Rivera #7, Ferris Fain #8, Minnie Minoso #9, Sherm Lollar #10, Harry Dorish #12, Carl Sawatski #14, Bob Keegan #15, Mike Fornieless #16, Chico Carrasquel #17, Matt Batts #18, Red Wilson #18, Billy Pierce #19, Sandy Consuegra #20, Stan Jok #21, Bud Stewart #21, Virgil Trucks #23, Fred Marsh #25, Don Johnson #26, Williard Marshall #27, Jack Harshman #29, Bob Boyd #31, Joe Kirrene #33, Vito Valentinetti #33, Dick Strahs #35, Morrie Martin #36, Al Sima #36, Don Nicholas #37, Bill Wilson #38, Tom Flanigan #39, Ron Jackson #42, Phil Cavarretta #44, Bob Cain #56;
1955 Chicago White Sox Roster George Kell #1, Nellie Fox #2, Jim Brideweser #3, Jim Busby #5, Johnny Groth #5, Ed McGhee #6 and #35, Ron Norhtley #6, Jim Rivera #7, Walt Dropo #8, Minnie Minoso #9, Sherm Lollar #10, Clint Courtney #11, Buddy Peterson #11, Harry Dorish #12, Less Moss #12, Bob Keegan #15, Sammy Esposito #16, Mike Fornieless #16, Chico Carrasquel #17, Bob Nieman #18, Billy Pierce #19, Sandy Consuegra #20, Stan Jok #21 and #31, Bob Powell #21, Dick Donovan #22 and #31, Virgil Trucks #23, Al Papai #24, Ted Gray #25, Earl Battey #26 and #35, Williard Marshall #27, Ed White #27, Jack Harshman #29, Bob Kennedy #30, Lloyd Merriman #30, Dick Donovan #31, Harry Byrd #32, Morrie Martin #36, Ron Jackson #42, Phil Cavarretta #44, Connie Johnson #44,;
1956 Chicago White Sox Roster George Kell #1, Nellie Fox #2, Jim Brideweser #3, Fred Hatfield #3, Bubba Phillips #5, Dave Philley #6, Ron Norhtey #6 and #32, Jim Rivera #7, Walt Dropo #8, Minnie Minoso #9, Sherm Lollar #10, Luis Aparicio #11, Les Moss #12, Lary Doby #14, Bob Keegan #15, Mike Fornieless #16, Jim Derrington #18, Bob Nieman #18, Billy Pierce #19, Sandy Consuegra #20, Jerry Stanley #21 and #66, Dick Donovan #22, Dick Marlowe #24, Howie Pollet #24, Cal Abrams #25, Earl Battey #26, Bill Fischer #27, Ellis Kinder #27, Dixie Howell #28, Jack Harshman #29, Jim Wilson #30, Bob Kennedy #30, Harry Byrd #32, Jim McDonald #36, Morrie Martin #36, Ron Jackson #42, Connie Johnson #44, Sammy Esposito #48;
1957 Chicago White Sox Roster Jim Landis #1, Nellie Fox #2, Fred Hatfield #3, Bubba Phillips #5, Dave Philley #6, Stover McIIwain #6, Jim Rivera #7, Walt Dropo #8, Minnie Minoso #9, Sherm Lollar #10, Luis Aparicio #11, Les Moss #12, Lary Doby #14, Bob Keegan #15, Ted Beard #16, Bob Powell #17, Earl Togeson #17, Jim Derrington #18, Billy Pierce #19, Bill Fischer #20, Jerry Stanley #21, Dick Donovan #22, Earl Battey #26, Don Rudolph #27, Ellis Kinder #27, Dixie Howell #28, Jack Harshman #29, Jim Wilson #30, Paul LaPalme #31, Jim Wilson #32, Ron Northey #32, Jim McDonald #36, Sammy Esposito #48;
1958 Chicago White Sox Roster Jim Landis #1, Nellie Fox #2, Ray Boone #3 and #8, Tito Francona #3, Hal Trosky #3, Ron Jackson #4, Bubba Phillips #5, Billy Goodman #6, Jim Rivera #7, Walt Dropo #8, Johnny Calison #9, Al Smith #9 and #16, Sherm Lollar #10, Luis Aparicio #11, Les Moss #12, Sammy Esposito #14, Bob Keegan #15, Ted Beard #16, Earl Togeson #17, Barry Batman #18, Billy Pierce #19, Bill Fischer #20, Johnny Romano #20, Jerry Stanley #21, Dick Donovan #22, Earl Wynn #24, Earl Battey #26, Turn Lown #27, Don Rudolph #27, Stover McIIwain #28, Dixie Howell #28, Ray Moore #29, Jim Wilson #30, Norm Cash #31, Chuck Lindstorm #31, Tom Qualters #31 and #35, Don Mueller #32, Bob Shaw #32 and #35, Jim McDonald #36, Jim McAnany #48;
1959 Chicago White Sox Roster Jim Landis #1, Nellie Fox #2, Del Ennis #3, Jim McAnany #3, Lou Skizas #3, Ted Kluszewski #4 and #8, Ron Jackson #4, Bubba Phillips #5, Billy Goodman #6, Jim Rivera #7, Billy Goodman #8, Harry Simpson #8, Johnny Calison #9, Sherm Lollar #10, Luis Aparicio #11, Gary Peters #12, Sammy Esposito #14, Ken McBride #15, Don Rudolph #15, Al Smith #16, Earl Togeson #17, Barry Batman #18, Billy Pierce #19, Johnny Romano #20, Jerry Stanley #21, Dick Donovan #22, Earl Wynn #24, Rudy Arias #25, Earl Battey #26, Turn Lown #27, Joe Hicks #28, Claude Raymond #28, Ray Moore #29, Larry Doby #32, J.C. Martin #32, Joe Stanka #36, Norm Cash #48, Cam Carreon #44;